This stunning work of art is among one of the most intriguing pieces of malachite we've seen. It was sliced on the most active area of botryoidal crystal growth to...
Unlike its sister mineral "Silky Malachite," this raw chunk of Malachite offers a deeply rich and incredibly satisfying velvety shimmer. Although the mineral itself grew itself into such a peculiar...
This adorable penguin figurine stands at 2.27 inches tall and is made of a beautifully banded, polished Malachite.
This behemoth matrix features crystals of Azurite, Malachite, Quartz, and an unidentified black crystal similar to Malawi Quartz. With so many intricate details of mineral growths overlapping one another, it's...
This is a 8.82 oz. beautiful stone composed of Malachite and Chrysocolla, often called "Malacolla." With heavily saturated forest greens and cyans, it is a gorgeous piece to add to your...
This is a beautiful 12.65 oz. stone composed of Malachite and Chrysocolla, often called "Malacolla." With heavily saturated forest greens and cyans, it is a gorgeous piece to add to...
Silky Malachite is known for its breathtaking texture and appearance. The mineral shimmers like threads of fine and exotic velvet-green silk, reminiscent of Emerald City in "Wizard of Oz." This...
Silky Malachite is known for its breathtaking texture and appearance. The mineral shimmers like threads of fine and exotic velvet-green silk, reminiscent of Emerald City in "Wizard of Oz." This...